
Wednesday, 16 April 2014


This is another explanation writing

Ladybugs are insects they can be found because of their colourful, spotted appearance. Ladybugs are also called lady beetles.

There are 5,000 different species in the world. In some countries ladybugs are goodluck. Most people likes ladybugs because they are graceful, pretty and harmless to people.
Ladybugs can eat up to 5,000 insects in its lifetime and female ladybugs can eat 75 aphids (a small bug which feed by suckig sap from plants) in one day. When a ladybugs fly, its wings beats 85 times. When a ladybug chew it jaws goes side to side not like humans it goes up and down. Female ladybugs are larger than male ladybugs.

Ladybugs is a beautiful creature. Their uniqueness makes them stand out in the insect kingdom.


Anonymous said...

I love to watch for different coloured Lady bugs.

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